Anderson Preparatory Academy has partnered with BF Food Systems to provide our food service at both of APA's campuses. Together, we are committed to providing high quality, healthy, and nutritious meals to our students.
Food Services
Comments/Questions/Concerns about our food offerings?
Please email Capt. Hayden at

Because Anderson Preparatory Academy feels that breakfast is a great way to start your child's day, every morning Elementary and Pre-Academy/Academy students are offered breakfast in the cafeteria. Elementary service is from 7:30am-7:55am and Pre-Academy/Academy service time is from 7:20am-7:45am. Students must choose 3 of the 4 food items offered; one must be a fruit or vegetable. First student breakfast is FREE. Second student breakfast is $2.81. Adult breakfast is $2.95.
All school lunches served consist of five food components; meat or meat alternative, grain, fruit, vegetable, and milk. Students must choose 3 of the food components offered and one of the components chosen must be a fruit or veggie. All 5 components may be taken if desired. Click here, (Spanish Version) for a PDF that has more details about how breakfast and lunch work at Anderson Preparatory School.
Anderson Preparatory Academy has partnered with to provide convenient and secure online services for monitoring your student's lunch account and making credit or debit card deposits. Go to to access your account. You can also download the instructions (or click here to download in Spanish) to setup your account to get started!
A la carte is available for cadets to purchase during lunch and breakfast. Cadets must have money in lunch accounts to purchase these items. Cash/checks may be given to your campus's Front Office for deposit. Monies turned by 9:00am will be available for use during the day's lunch service. NO money will be taken in the lunch line. To make lunch deposits electronically go to If issues are encountered contact Mealtime Customer Support at 1-800-755-0904 for assistance. The Support Department is open from 5:00 am until 5:00 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
Food that's IN when School is OUT!
The Summer Food Service Program for Children (SFSP) was created to serve nutritious meals to children when National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program meals are not available. Click on Summer Food Service Program for more information. For Healthier Summer Food Ideas and Activities for your family click HERE (ENGLISH) for more information, or click HERE (SPANISH).
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Questions? Comments? Need Help?
Anderson Preparatory Academy has developed a Wellness Policy that is focused on improving the health of students. The policy is assessed yearly and triennially by the Wellness Committee that includes teachers, parents, administrators. If you are interested in joining the committee or have question regarding the policy, please contact View our Wellness Policy
Contact for the Anderson Preparatory Academy Lunch/Breakfast Program:
COVID19 Information
Since COVID19, our vendors occasionally experience issues with product shortages. Due to this, the food items chosen to serve your children may be limited or unavailable at times and need to be supplemented. Staff shortages are another issue we are facing due to the Pandemic. Please know that we strive to provide your children with the best product and service available. We thank you for your patience and support as we continue to work through these challenges.
BF Food Systems staff will continue to follow guidance handed down by the CDC and local government.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Legal Notices
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement-english.pdf
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement-spanish.pdf
Other Documents
Lunch Refund Request Form
Dietary Accommodations
Discontinuation of Special Dietary Accommodations Form
Emergency Care Plan
Medical Statement - English
Medical Statement - Spanish
Milk Substitution - Spanish
Milk Substitution - English